TC 1-05
After Action Reviews and Reports
Section III Tips for Conducting an AAR
Maintain order. Guide the discussion until significant issues
surface. Continue to provide guidance until appropriate COAs
are identified.
Let the discussion be nonjudgmental. Find the answers and do
not blame. Discuss what happened and why.
Concentrate on standards. What was considered an acceptable
Keep the discussion on target. Encourage all group members to
participate. Let participants discover answers on their own while
you direct the discussion and keep it on track.
Suggested materials to be on hand for an AAR:
FM 6-0, FM 1-05, and TC 25-20.
Personal notes.
Operations documents (such as journal files, staff reports,
operations orders, situation maps, or overlays).
Section IV Performance Steps of an AAR
State the activity and indicate whether the activity was
Make recommendations or conclusions on your significant
Summarize the activity and its degree of accomplishment in the
introductory paragraphs of the AAR as follows:
♦ Cite the authority, the purpose, the time period, and the
personnel and units involved in the activity.
♦ Cite references.
10 May 2005