TC 1-05
After Action Reviews and Reports
Describe the activity and organize the body of the report in
titled sections. Following a background discussion, tell how
the activity took place (include all relevant facts).
Estimate the impact(s) of the activity on the individual or the
Indicate special circumstances encountered while carrying
out the activity. (Include successes or failures of interest to a
higher level of command and note important command
List highlights and significant results of the activity,
especially those that could affect future activities.
Document sources of information or references you have
cited fully and consistently. Refer the reader to attachment(s)
that contain further detailed analysis of the activity.
Revise the AAR according to the Army writing style.
Write clearly. Primarily use the active voice; use personal
pronouns when they are appropriate.
Write concisely. Do not use jargon or unnecessary, long
words; avoid wordiness; and use military abbreviations
Organize compactly.
10 May 2005