TC 1-05
Risk Management
Accept risk if benefits outweigh costs. The team leader must
take necessary risks to accomplish the mission. The team leader
must understand that risk-taking requires a decisionmaking
process that balances mission benefits with costs.
Section II Risk Management Process
There are five steps to the risk management process:
Identify risks. During the mission analysis, identify specific risks associated
with all specified and implied tasks. Determine the hazards causing these
risks. Consider METT-TC factors to identify risks.
Assess risks.
Determine the magnitude of
risks. This involves an
of effect and probability. Determine the likelihood and extent of accidental
loss based on the METT-TC format (see table 4-1) as a guideline of factors
to consider in this risk assessment.
Mission: Complexity and difficulty.
Enemy: Equates to specific identified hazards and/or threats.
Terrain and weather: All aspects of the physical environment affecting
Troops and support available: Supervision, experience, training,
morale, endurance, and equipment.
Time available: For execution, planning, and preparation (1/3-2/3
Civil considerations: Activities, refugees, humanitarian assistance
(HA), non-governmental organizations (NGO), and international
10 May 2005