TC 1-05
Command and Staff
Organization and locations of command posts (CP).
Mobility requirements.
Requirements for 24-hour operations and security.
Ability to combine related activities.
Desired span of control.
Commander and chief of staff preferences.
Authorizations for Staff Organizations
Every organization and activity requires an authorization document
that states a unit's approved structure and resources (see FM 100-11).
It is the basis and authority for personnel assignments and equipment
requisitions. This document is a modified table of organization and
equipment (MTOE), a table of distribution and allowance (TDA), or
a combination of both.
A table of organization and equipment (TOE) is a standard
authorization document that prescribes organizational structure,
personnel, and equipment requirements of a military unit.
Commanders establish wartime authorizations by developing an
MTOE from the TOE for their individual units. Commanders
prescribe, in more detail, organization, personnel, and equipment
authorized to accomplish doctrinal missions in specific operational or
geographical environments or at specific points on a modernization
path. Commanders can change their individual MTOEs with
Department of the Army approval.
A TDA prescribes organizational structures for units with support
missions or functions where no TOE exists. They may include
civilian positions. TDAs are unique authorization documents. They
help staffs attain the most efficient operational capability possible--
10 May 2005