TC 1-05
Unit Ministry Team
mission of the UMT cannot be fully accomplished without the
chaplain assistant. The chaplain assistant must possess a minimum of
a secret security clearance and a valid military driver's license. The
chaplain assistant is a combatant and bears arms for the UMT.
Combatant Status
As a combatant, the chaplain assistant qualifies with weapons and
maintains qualification to provide the following:
Protection for the UMT during movement.
Additional protection during the conduct of religious activities
in the AO.
Additional defense, when necessary, of friendly units and
Defense of wounded soldiers and caregivers, providing life-
saving aid.
Protection of the chaplain, who is a noncombatant.
Note. Because of the requirement to bear arms and the training
necessary to accomplish the above tasks, the chaplain assistant or
(in the absence of a chaplain assistant) a "special duty" assistant to
the chaplain cannot be a conscientious objector.
Scope of Commitment
In the performance of duty, the chaplain assistant must respect and
support religious traditions. The chaplain assistant's personal conduct
must be consistent with the values supported in the RSP. Apart from
official duties, chaplain assistants are entitled to the same right to free
exercise of religion, as are the soldiers they support.
In accepting the chaplain assistant MOS, enlisted soldiers accept the
high moral and ethical standards of this position. The chaplain
10 May 2005