TC 1-05
Unit Ministry Team
conversation...who will influence the manners of the Corps
both by precept and example." On July 29, 1775, the
Continental Congress provided for the appointment of
chaplains for the Armed Forces. The Chaplain Corps
anniversary is recognized on this date, making it the second
oldest branch in the Army, preceded only by the Infantry.
Army Chaplaincy values
The bedrock of all faiths, providing meaning and direction in life.
The means to measure how we practice what we preach.
The love that sees beyond the surface and discerns our common
Religious leadership.
Interprets the role of leadership prophetically.
The standard of staff work and religious responsibilities.
Being respectful of different views and ideas that are not like our
The primary mission of the chaplain is to perform or provide
religious ministry to soldiers. The chaplain as a religious leader
executes the RS mission, which ensures the free exercise of religion
for soldiers and authorized personnel. Essential to providing our
Army with the means to practice the religious beliefs of its personnel
10 May 2005