TC 1-05
Unit Ministry Team
is the ability of the chaplain to function in the Army's pluralistic
The chaplain's presence and support to all soldiers assist in the well
being and health of the command. A soldier's experience on the
battlefield can range from mild to extreme brutality. Combat stress
can result in immoral, even inhumane, practices. These practices can
include the dehumanizing treatment of friendly troops, enemy
prisoners of war or civilians; violations of codes of morality; illegal
acts; desecration of sacred places; and disrespect for human life.
Through worship, pastoral counseling, and moral instruction,
chaplains affirm the value of human life, justice, dignity, and truth,
thereby, challenging soldiers to serve their country and their God
Noncombatant Status
Chaplains will not bear arms or engage in combatant acts. The
Geneva and Hague Conventions, Customary and International Law
accord the chaplain the status of noncombatant. When captured by
enemy forces (detaining powers), the chaplain is not a prisoner of war
(POW) but is retained for the sole purpose of ministering to POWs
held by the detaining power. See FM 1-05 and FM 27-10 for more
Section IV Roles of the Chaplain Assistant
The chaplain assistant (MOS 56M) is a soldier who has received
special technical training to assist the chaplain in accomplishing the
RS mission. The chaplain assistant performs two essential roles: staff
noncommissioned officer (NCO) and RS provider. The chaplain
assistant is vitally important and a full member of the UMT. The
10 May 2005