TC 1-05
Unit Ministry Team
Religious Support Plan
Commanders are responsible for the religious, spiritual, moral, and
ethical welfare of all personnel in their command, and they address
these religious needs through a religious support plan (RSP). The
RSP provides guidance for managing RS assets to cover all religious
needs of the organization. The RSP is the commander's plan; the
UMT executes that plan for the commander.
UMT Structure
The UMT consists of at least one chaplain and one chaplain assistant.
Continued mission and task analysis determines the distribution and
size of UMT assets.
The modularity of the Army will increasingly require UMTs to be
flexible, adaptable, and scalable to best serve the RS needs of
commanders and soldiers.
The UMT is integrated and embedded into the Army force structure
as organic and central to the organization. The UMT structure assists
the commander in providing religious ministry and support.
Minimum Personnel for a Unit Ministry Team
The minimum personnel requirement for the UMT is one chaplain
and one chaplain assistant assigned to the same Army unit.
UMTs are located at all levels of assignment, from battalion level
through major Army command (MACOM). Mission requirements
and task analyses determines the distribution and size of UMT assets.
FM 3-0 and FM 1-05 specify the UMT's mission requirements.
10 May 2005