TC 1-05
Unit Ministry Team
Chapter 2
Unit Ministry Team
Section I The UMT and Religious Support
Chaplains ordained and endorsed by distinctive faith groups must be
people of integrity who consistently live according to the highest
principles of the Army and the distinctive faith groups they represent.
Chaplain assistants are also expected to be people of the utmost
integrity whose lives reflect high moral standards and the values of
the Army. The UMT must mirror the Army's values--loyalty, duty,
respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage
Mission Statement
The mission of the Unit Ministry Team is to provide and
perform religious support to soldiers, families, and
authorized civilians as directed by the commander.
FM 1-05
Chaplains serve as special or personal staff officers to commanders at
all levels of the command, providing professional expertise on free
exercise of religious issues, troop and unit morale, quality of life
matters, ethical decisionmaking, combat stress, pastoral counseling,
and the impact of religion on the operation.
10 May 2005