TC 1-05
Military Religious Support Mission
The commander decides whether or not to accommodate religious
practices. Accommodation of a soldier's religious practices cannot
always be guaranteed and depends on military necessity. The
planning factors of mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and
support available, time available, civil considerations (METT-TC)
enter into the commander's accommodation decision.
Section III Functions and Activities
The traditional mission of the Chaplaincy is accomplished through
three major RS functions of the Chaplain Corps.
Major RS functions
Nurture the living.
In preparation for missions that span the full spectrum of operations,
UMTs develop and provide RS activities to strengthen and sustain the
spiritual resilience of soldiers and family members. During the battle,
UMTs bring hope and strength to those who have been wounded and
traumatized in body, mind, and spirit, assisting the healing process.
Care for the dying.
UMTs provide RS, spiritual care, comfort, and hope to the dying. This
focus of RS affirms the sanctity of life, which is at the heart of the
Chaplaincy. Through prayer and presence, the UMT provides the
soldier with courage and comfort in the face of death.
10 May 2005