TC 1-05
Military Religious Support Mission
Religious education.
Includes all activities of faith sustainment, formation, study, or
instruction that occur in the field or in garrison such as classes on
religious teachings, activities of faith sustainment (enrichment,
formation, study, or instruction) and religious-based programming in
marriage enrichment, problem solving, communication skills, parenting
skills, youth programs, and other vital areas.
Family life ministry.
Includes training UMTs, directing the Chaplain Family Life Center
(CFLC), and implementing Family Life Ministry through the CFLC
programs and formal training, and implementing unit level family life
ministry activities.
Institutional ministry.
Includes RS in institutional settings, such as supporting family
members receiving medical services and conducting institutional
ministry in hospitals and confinement or correctional facilities.
Special Staff Officer/NCO
Professional support to the command.
Includes those requirements related to the role of the chaplain and
NCO as staff officers and the functions of the UMT as a staff activity on
matters of religion, morals/ethics, and morale. UMTs offer advice to
the commander, such as providing professional expertise to the
commander on matters of religion, morals, and morale; facilitating RS;
assessing unit climate by visiting soldiers; and providing advice on the
religious needs of soldiers and families.
10 May 2005