TC 1-05
Unit Ministry Team
assistant must be committed to the Army values (LDRSHIP), the
Chaplain Corps values (SACRED), and The Soldier's Creed.
The chaplain assistant is a soldier who is professionally trained to
assist the chaplain in RS and essential to the RS mission. Under the
supervision of the chaplain, the chaplain assistant coordinates many
details of UMT operations (such as security, travel plans, service
locations, and logistics).
Chaplain assistants may participate voluntarily as individuals in lay
ministries, as long as it does not interfere with their normal duties.
This must be done with the approval and supervision of the
appropriate chaplain. For example, chaplain assistants may serve as a
Catholic representative or distinctive faith group leader (DFGL)
under the same requirements and restrictions as any other lay leader.
The chaplain assistant performs many staff functions. The chaplain
assistant attends briefings and monitors the tactical situation. The
chaplain assistant assists the chaplain in preparing the religious
support estimate (RSE) plan and annex and coordinates religious
activities. The chaplain assistant helps assess soldier morale and
provides this information to the chaplain. The chaplain assistant
performs administrative and logistical tasks to support the RS
The chaplain assistant accompanies the chaplain in the area of
operations. As a combatant, the chaplain assistant carries appropriate
weapons and provides protection for the team on the battlefield. The
chaplain assistant assists with battle fatigue prevention, identification,
and reporting. The chaplain assistant also assists with emergency RS
for wounded and dying soldiers on the battlefield.
10 May 2005