TC 1-05
Moral and Ethical Issues
Step 4. If you decide to continue to dissent, report the problem
in the chain of command.
To the IG.
To a chaplain.
Notes: All soldiers must obey lawful orders. Chaplains have a
special duty to advise the command on moral and ethical issues
that may adversely affect the mission or soldiers morale.
Common Military Dissenting Problems and Errors
Failure to provide alternatives.
A lack of factual information; failure to research regulations
Dissenting in areas or on matters outside the individual's
realm of responsibility.
Failure to exhaust internal procedures prior to appealing to
higher authority (skipping over the chain of command).
Poor or improper timing (dissenting with a senior in front of
Failure or unwillingness to take ownership for the dissent.
Misplaced sense of loyalty.
Section V Ethical Climate Assessment Survey
The ethical climate of a unit is determined by a variety of factors: the
individual character of unit members, the policies and practices
within the organization, the actions of unit leaders, and
environmental and mission factors.
10 May 2005