TC 1-05
Moral and Ethical Issues
The Ethical Reasoning Process
Because moral principles help reveal the inner meaning of Army
values, ask how other moral principles might apply.
The Golden Rule: Do unto others, as you would have them do
unto you.
Give a person the benefit of the doubt.
The end does not justify the means.
Good first order effects do not justify bad second and third
order effects.
Try to resolve problems at the lowest level.
Praise in public; criticize in private.
Prevent unnecessary harm.
Respect the noncombatant distinction.
Step 4. Implement the COA that best represents Army values.
Section III Jus in Bello Principles
There may be times when you advise commanders on the moral
dimensions of a planned action or counsel soldiers struggling with
conflicting moral issues of military operations. While not Army
doctrine, the Just War tradition is taught in Army schools as the
paradigm for understanding the moral dimensions of war. The
tradition considers the principles of jus ad bellum or the just resort to
war and jus in bello or the right conduct of war.
While the question of the just resort to war has definite moral
dimensions, it is primarily a social and political question of national
responsibility. Soldiers may come to you, a representative of a faith-
based moral system, to discuss these issues. However, in these cases,
10 May 2005