TC 1-05
Section III General Purpose Staff Briefing
The staff briefing is to secure a coordinated effort. This briefing may
involve the exchange of information, the announcement of decisions,
the issuance of directives, or the presentation of guidance. The staff
briefing may include information, a decision, and mission briefings.
Commands normally schedule staff briefings on a periodic basis. The
attendees are usually the commander, his deputy, COS, and senior
representatives of coordinating and special staffs. Sometimes,
commanders from major subordinate commands attend. In combat,
commands hold additional briefings, as the situation requires.
The COS or XO usually presides over the staff briefing. The briefer
opens the briefing by identifying the purpose and reviewing the
mission of the next higher headquarters. Next, the briefer restates the
command's mission and gives the commander's concept, if
applicable. The staff is then called upon to brief their areas of
The normal sequence is S2, S3, S1, S4, and S5. Special staff officer
participation varies with local policy. The commander usually
concludes the briefing and may take an active part throughout the
Situation Briefings
The tactical situation briefing is a staff briefing used to inform
persons not familiar with the situation at the level at which the
briefing is taking place. The briefing goes back in time as far as
necessary to present the full picture.
10 May 2005