TC 1-05
Appendix G
In advance, ask whomever you are briefing what type of briefing they
want. Think professionalism: be clear, be complete, and be done. In
the absence of directions or unit SOPs, you may use the standard
formats provided in this appendix.
Section I Information Briefing
The purpose of the information briefing is to inform the listener. This
briefing deals primarily with facts, not conclusions or
recommendations. Use it to present high priority information
requiring immediate attention; complex information involving
complicated plans, systems, statistics, or charts; and controversial
information requiring elaboration and explanation. Situation reports
(frequently called verbal SITREPS) cover the tactical situation over a
period of time and usually fall into this category.
Information briefing
1. Introduction.
a. Greeting. Use military courtesy; address the person(s)
receiving the briefing and identify yourself.
b. Identify type and classification of briefing.
c. Purpose. Explain the purpose and scope.
d. Procedure. Indicate procedure if briefing involves a
10 May 2005