TC 1-05
Values, Oaths, and the Soldiers Creed
Appendix F
Values, Oaths, and the Soldiers Creed
Army Values (LDRSHIP)
Loyalty: Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S.
Constitution, the Army, your unit, and other soldiers.
Duty: Fulfill your obligations.
Respect: Treat people as they should be treated.
Selfless service: Put the welfare of the Nation, the Army, and
your subordinates before your own.
Honor: Live up to all the Army values.
Integrity: Do what's legally and morally right.
Personal courage: Face fear, danger, or adversity (physical or
Chaplain Corps Values (SACRED)
Spirituality: Seek to know God and yourself at the deepest
Accountability: Hold yourself and others to a moral and
spiritual high ground in every area of life.
Religious leadership: Model spiritual truths wisely and
Excellence: Do your best for God's glory.
Diversity: Respect the differences of others.
10 May 2005