TC 1-05
Decision briefing
c. Purpose. State that the purpose of the briefing is to obtain a
decision and announce the problem statement.
d. Procedure. Explain special procedures (such as a trip to
outlying facilities or introduction of an additional briefer).
e. Coordination. Indicate accomplishment of any coordination.
Classification. State the classification of the briefing.
2. Body.
a. Assumptions. Must be valid, relevant, and necessary.
b. Facts (bearing on the problem). Must be supportable, relevant,
and necessary.
c. Discussion. Analyze courses of action and plan for a smooth
d. Conclusions. Degree of acceptance or the order of merit of
each COA.
e. Recommendation(s).
(1) State action(s) recommended.
(2) Must be specific and not a solicited opinion.
3. Close.
a. Ask for questions.
b. Request a decision.
4. Follow up.
Note: If the COS is not present after the briefing is over, the briefer
must inform the staff secretary or XO of the commander's decision.
10 May 2005