(4) Sacramental/ordinance items.
3. Funding.
a. Mob station chaplains should ensure the proper training of personnel on how to
handle appropriated (APF) and nonappropriated funds (NAF). Only USACHCS
trained Fund Managers may administer NAF accounts.
b. Chapters 15 and 16 of AR 165-1 contain specific guidance on how to handle
these funds.
4. Mobilization Exercises.
a. JCS/HQDA Exercises.
HQDA, in conjunction with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, conducts worldwide
mobilization exercises. All chaplain mobilization planners will, when possible,
actively participate in these exercises to identify deficiencies in mobilization
b. Field Exercise.
Chaplains will participate in field exercises to the maximum extent possible.
Continuing exclusion of chaplains from field exercises should be reported through
command channels to OCCH.
c. Training Events.
(1) The FORSCOM chaplain will conduct one major mobilization
planners training event each year for all chaplain mobilization planners
worldwide. CONUSAs will conduct area mobilization training events as
(2) Corps and installation chaplains will coordinate and conduct chaplain
mobilization exercises (CHMOBEXs) to test chaplain mobilization
planning. All CHMOBEXs should be carefully coordinated with
appropriate staff sections (especially the G-3) and with units identified for
The following items will test your knowledge of the material covered in this lesson.
There is only one correct answer for each item. When you have completed the exercise,
check your answers with the answer key that follows. If you answer any item incorrectly,
study again that part of the lesson, which contains the portion involved.