a. For planning and implementation purposes, the installation UMT has a key role
in mobilizing the Chaplaincy. The installation staff chaplain becomes the
mobilization station chaplain and must assume the leadership role to ensure that
the installation can accomplish the UMT mobilization religious support mission.
b. Before mobilization, the installation chaplain designates and supervises a
chaplain mobilization planner who does the following:
(1) Prepares the chaplain annex to the IMP.
(2) Prepares the UMT mobilization SOP.
(3) Prepares the UMT MOBTDA.
(4) Coordinates with and tracks RC units scheduled to report to the
(5) Conducts mobilization station exercises.
(6) Communicates with IMAs and retirees with orders to report to the
installation upon mobilization.
2. Pre-mobilization Training.
a. Mobilization is a time of confusion. Complete and realistic planning at the
installation is one part of the solution. Training for mobilization is another part.
Pre-mobilization training gives UMTs the opportunity to practice their
mobilization religious support missions. This is also a way to evaluate the
adequacy of mobilization plans and SOPs.
b. Proper training for chaplains and chaplain assistants prior to mobilization
requires concerted coordination among FORSCOM, USACHCS, CONUSA, AR-
PERSCOM, and installation staff chaplains. It also requires an open line of
communication with all Reserve Component chaplains to discuss what is required
of the individual, determine training needs, discuss training opportunities, and
properly manage assets prior to and during mobilization.
(1) FORSCOM Chaplain's office conducts annual mobilization training as
directed by the OCCH.
(2) The AR-PERSCOM staff chaplain must provide the maximum training
opportunities for all IRR chaplains.
(3) CONUSA chaplains provide training such as the CALL FORWARD
and OPTIMAL FOCUS training exercises.
(4) STARC and RSC chaplains must ensure that TPU chaplains receive
the maximum possible training. The importance of chaplains being
included in all mobilization exercises must be communicated to the