The RC consists of the United States Army Reserve (USAR), and the Army National
Guard (ARNG).
a. United States Army Reserve (USAR)
(1) Troop Program Unit (TPU) UMTs.
Troop Program Unit UMTs are all U.S. Army Reserve chaplains and chaplain
assistants assigned to a reserve unit. They become deployable assets upon arrival
at the mobilization station. TPU requirements include four, four-hour Unit
Training Assemblies (UTA) once per month. This is known as a "drill weekend."
The unit also performs a 14-day Annual Training (AT).
(2) Individual Ready Reserve (IRR).
IRR chaplains and chaplain assistants are members of the Ready Reserve not
assigned to the Selected Reserve and not on active duty. Upon mobilization, IRR
chaplains and chaplain assistants are called to active duty and employed as fillers
or replacements at the mobilization station. Members of the IRR may be
preassigned to a unit on a mobilization station and provided a reporting date.
(3) Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA).
IMA chaplains and chaplain assistants are assigned to MOBTDA/MTOE slots
during wartime that do not exist during peacetime. IMAs are subject to recall
during Presidential 200,000 call-up, a partial mobilization, and a full mobilization.
Although IMA chaplains are trained to fill a specific wartime function, they are
still deployable assets and, should the need arise, may be employed as fillers or
replacements. Drilling IMAs (DIMA) also perform monthly UTAs,
commensurate with TPU chaplains.
b. Army National Guard (ARNG) UMTs.
ARNG units are commanded by the State Governor until mobilized at the home
station. Once mobilized, ARNG units become a part of Active Component units
under the appropriate MACOM. ARNG chaplains and chaplain assistants are
considered deployable assets upon arrival at the mobilization station. The ARNG
only has TPU positions, so the requirements are the same as with the USAR TPU
above. The difference is that an ARNG AT is 15 days.
c. Retired Chaplains and Chaplain Assistants.
Retired chaplains and chaplain assistants are preassigned to Army Installations
and are activated upon orders from DA. In most cases, retired members are
nondeployable assets. However, a retired member may request assignment to a
unit that is subject to deployment.
d. Chaplain Assistants.
Chaplain Assistants are assigned by DA, MILPERCEN.