(5) Issues mobilization directives and announces F- Hour, when
(6) Initiates action for legislation to commence the draft.
(7) Activates CRAF STAGE II, as required, and STAGE III, when
authorized by declaration of national emergency.
b. Joint Chiefs of Staff.
(1) Provides the framework for MOB planning.
(2) Advises NCA of military force requirements.
(3) Implements emergency actions to increase DEFCON.
(4) Provides deployment guidance.
(5) Monitors MOB and deployment process.
(6) Initiates, directs and controls deployment as directed by NCA.
c. Department of the Army.
(1) Accesses force capabilities.
(2) Provides MOB policy (AMOPES).
(3) Reviews MOB plans and procedures.
(4) Issues alert order for RC units thru CNGB, FORSCOM and other
(5) Monitors MOB and deployment.
(6) Directs required Base Expansion.
(1) Validates force requirements to support OPLAN
(2) Prepares Army forces for commitment in support of national policy.
(3) Prescribes procedures, requirements and responsibilities for MOB and
deployment planning and execution (FORMDEPS).
(4) Mobilizes, activates, trains and supports RC units.
(6) Deploys forces as directed and scheduled by TRANSCOM.