(1) The Commandant is responsible for developing mobilization plans to
ensure that the Chaplain School will be able to provide sufficient training
to students in the Chaplain Officer Refresher Course. He will also
coordinated with the appropriate TASS Battalions for instruction of the
Chaplain Assistant Refresher Course.
(2) The Commandant is also responsible for developing and implementing
a training strategy to assist chaplain MOB planners in preparing their
mobilization annex and SOP.
g. Installation Staff Chaplains
Installation staff chaplains will ensure that the installation has Chaplaincy input
into the mobilization station mobilization plan and a viable mobilization SOP.
The installation chaplain will select a qualified chaplain mobilization planner who
will ensure that premobilization objectives and training requirements are met. The
installation staff chaplain will cross-level chaplains during mobilization to meet
h. AR-PERSCOM Staff Chaplain.
The AR-PERSCOM staff chaplain serves as a liaison between the Chaplaincy and
the PERSCOM. He or she will assist in the accessioning process, fill available
reserve spaces, ensure correctness of reserve personnel data, and provide training
3. Principal National Mobilization Agencies.
a. President.
(1) Establishes national policy for MOB planning and execution.
(2) Declares domestic or national emergencies, and issues executive order
to mobilize units and/or individuals of Ready Reserve.
b. Congress.
(1) Authorizes Full or Total mobilization by public law or joint resolution.
(2) Enacts legislation to begin draft under Selective Service Act.
c. Federal Emergency Management Agency.
(1) Establishes polices for MOB preparedness of Federal agencies.
(2) Coordinates National Security Emergency Preparedness, including
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) scenarios.
(3) Guides regional structures and states in emergency preparedness.
(4) Serves as advisor to NSC.