The following items will test your knowledge of the material covered in this lesson.
There is only one correct answer for each item. When you have completed the exercise,
check your answers with the answer key that follows. If you answer any item incorrectly,
study again that part of the lesson, which contains the portion involved.
Situation: You are the Installation Chaplain of a subordinate UMT preparing to
participate in the upcoming mobilization exercises. To fulfill the responsibilities required
of mobilization, you must familiarize yourself with Army mobilization terms, levels,
stages, and agencies involved in the planning and execution of mobilization.
1. This may be the commencement of hostilities of any operation.
a. C-Day.
b. F-Hour.
c. M-Day.
d. D-Day.
2. Its members are preselected, pretrained, and assigned to occupy an authorized active
duty position on mobilization.
a. Individual Ready Reserve.
b. Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMAs).
d. Standby Reserve.
3. Presidential 200,000 Selected Reserve Call-Up Authority has the power to
a. Activate its members for 30 days (plus an additional 30 if required) without
declaring a national emergency.
b. Activate its members for 60 days (plus an additional 90 if required) without
declaring a national emergency.
c. Activate its members for 90 days (plus an additional 90 if required) without
declaring a national emergency.
d. Activate its members for 120 days (plus an additional 90 if required) without
declaring a national emergency.
4. When the President declares a national emergency, he
a. Must specify in the declaration of subsequent execution orders which
authorities he is invoking under the national emergency.
b. Has all powers, which may be operative in times of national emergency.
c. Does not have to specify which authorities he is invoking under the national
d. Must notify Congress of his actions, and upon notification Congress may not
terminate his declaration of national emergency at any time.