(1) Selective Mobilization.
For a domestic emergency, the Congress or the President may order
expansion of the active Armed Forces by mobilization of Reserve
Component (RC) units and/or individual Reservists to deal with a situation
where the Armed Forces may be required to protect life, Federal property
and functions, or to prevent disruption of Federal activities. A selective
mobilization would not be associated with a requirement for contingency
plans involving external threats to the national security.
(2) Presidential Reserve Call-up (PRC)
For specific contingencies, such as the Balkan's peace keeping missions.
Involuntary call-up of up to 200,000 of Select (drilling) Reserves. This
presidential directed action affects all services. There is no requirement
for a national emergency, but the President must report to Congress within
24 hours. Up to 180 day call-up, duty in both CONUS and overseas.
(3) Partial Mobilization.
For a contingency operation or war plan or upon declaration of a national
emergency, the Congress or the President may order augmentation of the
active Armed Forces (short of full mobilization) by mobilization of up to
one million persons of the Ready Reserve (units or individuals) for up to
24 months. Only the President is limited by the one million person ceiling.
The Congress may establish any limit desired in a Congressionally
declared partial mobilization.
(4) Full Mobilization.
Full mobilization requires passage by the Congress or a public law or joint
resolution declaring war or a national emergency. It involves the
mobilization of all RC units in the existing approved force structure, all
individual Reservists, and the materiel resources needed for this expanded
force structure.
(5) Total Mobilization.
Total mobilization involves expansion of the active Armed Forces by
organizing and/or activating additional units beyond the existing approved
force structure to respond to requirements of the emergency, and the
mobilization of all national resources needed, to include production
facilities, to sustain such forces. Congressional authorization is required
for these actions.
Expansion of the active Armed Forces, under any of the types of
mobilization listed, assumes at least the ability of the industrial base to
meet mobilization requirements for production of selected items with