45. Selected Reserve.
That portion of the Ready Reserve consisting of units and individual reservists required
to participate in Inactive Duty Training and Annual Training, both of which are in a pay
status. The Selected Reserve also includes persons performing Initial Active Duty for
Training 10 USC 268(b).
46. Standby Reserve.
Those units and members of the Reserve Components (other than those in the Ready
Reserve or Retired Reserve) who are liable for active duty only after being certified as
available by the Selective Service System when requested by the Secretary of Defense.
47. Standard Installation Division Personnel System (SIDPERS WARTIME).
A centrally designed field operating system, controlled and maintained by HQDA
(PERSCOM), designed to support the automated personnel strength and management
information needs of field commanders and their respective staffs. During wartime,
system functions are reduced to meet only minimum essential needs.
48. State Adjutant General
A National Guard officer appointed by the Governor of a state to administer the military
affairs of the state. A state adjutant general may be federally recognized as a general
officer, provided he meets the prescribed requirements and qualifications. Generally
known as "The Adjutant General" (TAG).
49. State Area Command (STARC).
The National Guard command and control headquarters for peacetime operations within a
particular state or territory. It is responsible for planning and executing military support
for civil defense and land defense plans under the respective area commander. It also
provides for the command and control of mobilized ARNGUS units from Home Station
50. Support Installation
An installation or activity that provides a type of support to off-post units and activities
within a specific geographic area.
51. Sustainability.
The ability to provide and maintain those levels of force, manpower, materiel, and
consumables necessary to support a military effort.
52. The Army Authorization Documents System (TAADS).
An automated system that supports the development and documentation of organizational
structures. It also supports requirements for, and authorizations of, personnel and
equipment necessary to accomplish the assigned missions of Army units.