A plan for facilities, installations, and bases required to support military operations.
3. C-Day.
The unnamed day on which a deployment operation commences or is to commence. The
deployment may be a relocation of forces (directed by a commander of a unified or
specified command); movement of cargo, weapons systems, and personnel (Service-
directed); or a combination of the above.
4. Coordinating Installation.
An installation assigned to coordinate specified types of intra-Service support within a
prescribed geographical area.
5. Critical Supplies and Materials.
Those supplies vital to the support of operations, which are or are, expected to be in short
6. Date Required to Load (DRL).
The date a unit would be required to depart an installation in order to meet its required
arrival schedule in the objective area to support the specific OPLAN. This date reflects an
unconstrained deployment requirement projected for a unit to pinpoint requirements for
management decision.
7. D-Day.
The day on which an operation commences or is due to commence. This may be the
commencement of hostilities of any operation.
8. Defense Readiness Conditions.
A uniform system of progressive alert postures for use between the Joint Chiefs of Staff
and the commanders of unified and specified commands, and for use by the Services.
9. Deployment.
In a strategic sense, the relocation of forces to desired areas of operation.
10. Deployment Plan.
A plan for the conduct of deployment that supports the deployment phase of an operation
or contingency plan.
11. Direct Deploying Unit.
A Reserve Component unit that moves directly from home station to a port of
embarkation (POE). The unit does not move through a mobilization station, and deploys
12. Domestic Emergencies.