Emergencies affecting the public welfare and occurring within the 50 states as a result of
enemy attack, insurrection, or civil disturbance, which endanger life and property or
disrupt the usual process of government.
13. Earliest Arrival Date.
The earliest date that a unit is permitted to arrive at the port of debarkation (POD) in
support of a specific OPLAN.
14. Effective Date (E-Date).
The effective date of any change in unit status. (For mobilization planning two E-dates
are critical: first, the date that a Reserve Component unit is ordered to Federal Active
status, e.g., transferred from ARNG/USAR to AUS status; and second, the date a unit is
transferred from Army operational control to the operational control of a unified
command upon attainment of an operationally ready or deployable status).
15. Exemption.
Total relief from the requirements to report for active duty on the reporting date specified
in orders to active duty.
16. F-Hour.
The effective time of announcement to the military department by the Secretary of
Defense of a decision to mobilize Reserve units.
17. Filler.
An individual assigned to a unit to bring it to full MTOE or TDA/MOBTDA wartime
strength or other specified level.
18. Force Development.
The process of translating projected DA resources (manpower, fiscal, and materiel) into
time-phased programs and structure (expressed in dollars, equipment and units) necessary
to accomplish assigned missions and functions.
19. Force Mobilization Troops Basis (FMTB).
The FMTB is a file containing all MTOE/TDA organizations in the Active Army, and all
MTOE/TDA organizations to be mobilized after M-Day. It includes all forward
deployed, deployable, and nondeployable forces in the Army, and is the primary source
document provided by HQDA to Army planners worldwide.
Provides a single source series of documents that specifies mobilization and deployment
planning guidance and instructions. It explains command relationships; defines
responsibilities, procedures and requirements; and describes automated systems.
FORMDEPS provides planning guidance and instructions to other major Army