The latest date a unit or any element thereof is required at the port of debarkation (POD)
and completes unloading in support of a specific OPLAN.
30. Latest Release Date.
The date established by Headquarters, Department of the Army, as the latest date that a
unit must be released from active duty.
31. M-Day.
Mobilization Day - The day the Secretary of Defense directs a mobilization based on a
decision by the President, the Congress, or both. All mobilization planning (e.g., alert,
movement, transportation, and deployment or employment) is based on this date.
32. Military Support to Civil Authorities (MSCA)
Provided during a state or federally declared domestic emergency. MSCA could
encompass natural or manmade disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks, etc. Religious
support works within established legal parameters to provide for the pastoral care needs
of victims and emergency response workers/support personnel.
33. Mobilization.
Mobilization is the act of preparing for war or other emergencies through assembling and
organizing national resources. It is the process by which the all or a part of the Armed
Forces are brought to a state of readiness for war or other national emergency. This
includes assembling and organizing personnel, supplies, and materiel for active military
service, federalization of Reserve Components, extension of terms of service, and other
actions necessary to convert to a wartime posture.
34. Mobilization Entity.
A unit, which is organized under any approved authorization document (TOE/MTOE or
TDA), implemented by general order, and which mobilizes as one entity. Each
mobilization entity would have a separate Unit Identification Code (UIC). All sub-
elements are organic and have a common troop program sequence number and a common
Mobilization Station.
35. Mobilization Site.
The designated military installation or mobilization center to which a Reserve
Component unit is moved for further processing, organizing, equipping, training, and
employing after mobilization. It can be called a Power Projection Platform (PPP), or a
Power Support Platform (PSP).
36. Mobilization Level Application Software (MOBLAS).
A computerized procedural system that speeds the preparation and dispatch of
mobilization orders for IRR personnel and pre-positions personnel accessioning data for
members of RC units, retirees, and the IRR at mobilization stations.