37. Mobilization Troop Basis Stationing Plan (MTBSP).
Schedules, in relation to M-Day, the time-phased mobilization of RC units, to include
reporting date and mobilization stations, and date required to load for deployment.
MTBSP is volume II of FORMDEPS.
38. Operation Plan.
A plan for a single operation or a series of connected operations to be carried out
simultaneously or in succession. It is usually based upon stated assumptions and is the
form of directive employed by higher authority to permit subordinate commanders to
prepare supporting plans and orders.
39. Port of Embarkation
An air or sea terminal at which troops, units, military sponsored personnel, unit
equipment, and materiel board and/or are loaded.
40. Prepositioned Material Configured to Unit Sets.
The prepositioning of equipment for selected units in support of a NATO operation.
41. Ready Reserve.
Units and unit member of the Reserve Components and individuals liable for involuntary
active duty in time of war, national emergency as declared by Congress, national
emergency declared by the President, or when otherwise authorized by law.
42. Ready to Load Date.
The projected date a unit is capable of starting and sustainment movement from its
normal geographic location to an assigned POE.
43. Retired Reserve
Consists of those individuals whose names are placed on the Reserve Retired list by
proper authority in accordance with law or regulations. Members of the Retired Reserve
may, if qualified, be ordered to active duty involuntarily in time of war or national
emergency declared by Congress, or when otherwise authorized by law, and then only
when it is determined by the Secretary of the Army that adequate numbers of qualified
individuals in the required categories are not readily available in the Ready Reserve or in
active status in the Standby Reserve.
44. Round Out.
A Department of the Army program which brings under-structured Active Army
divisions up to a standard configuration by affiliation of Reserve Component units. In the
event of a mobilization, these Reserve Component units may deploy as part of the Active
Army Division. Other terms that describe Round Out are "Teaming", "Multi-Compo",
"Integrated Divisions", "Dual Missioned, " and "Round Up".