(3) Phase III - Mobilization at Home Station.
This phase begins with the reception of a mobilization order, and the unit's
entry on active Federal duty. During this phase, the unit takes action to
speed its transition to AC status. The unit receives the mobilization order,
property is inventoried, and the advance party departs. Phase III ends
when the unit departs for its MS or POE
(4) Phase IV - Movement to Mobilization Station.
This phase begins with the unit's departure from HS and ends when the
unit closes at its MS or POE. Movement from HS to MS will be by the
most expeditious and practical means available. Organic wheeled vehicles
will normally be used when the MS is within a one-day road march.
Personnel and equipment in excess of organic capability, or which cannot
sustain a motor march operation, will be moved by other military or
commercial transportation. The Installation assists the unit commander to
perform mission essential training; cross level equipment and personnel;
update Unit Status Reports; validate mission readiness; and report when
ready to move.
(5) Phase V Operational Readiness Improvement to Port of
This phase begins when the mobilized unit closes at its MS and ends when
the unit is evaluated as operationally ready for deployment. Additional
training may vary as evaluation may dictate. The goal of the unit is to
attain operational readiness in the shortest possible time consistent with its
planned deployment or operational mission.
1. Mobilization Authority.
a. The Authority to order mobilization resides with the President and/or the
Congress. The Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), with the advice and
recommendation of the Service Secretaries and Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS),
recommends to the President and the Congress the mobilization authority required
to support a given contingency, OPLAN or national emergency. The SECDEF
directs mobilization of RC units and manpower through the military departments.
b. Only Congress can authorize full or total mobilization, normally being the
declaration of war or national emergency.
c. All units and individuals of the Ready Reserve, Standby Reserve, Retired
Reserve, and Retired Regulars (including Navy and Marine Corps Fleet Reserve)
may be ordered to duty under this authority.