Recall and identify the Army mobilization terms, levels, phases, and
Given the subcourse material for this lesson and a training scenario.
The student will respond with 70% accuracy to the multiple choice
subcourse examination requiring recall and application of
The material contained in this lesson was derived from the following
UMT Information Handbook on Mobilization
CGSC #2G-F65/500-15, MADRAT
FM 25-5
At some point in the future, you may be called upon to go to war. The Army must be
prepared to win that war and the cornerstone of preparedness is training. Mobilization is
bringing the total Army force to a state of readiness for war or for other national
emergencies. Army installations are standardized through regulations to ensure that
operations can be effectively supported in peacetime. This effectiveness must continue
throughout the transition from a peacetime (premobilization) to a wartime status
(mobilization) and during wartime (post-mobilization). Army installations provide the
sustaining support necessary for units to accomplish their missions. The UMT performs
and provides for comprehensive religious support to soldiers and their families Army
wide in war and peace. The UMT supports the specific religious, spiritual, and ethical
needs of soldiers in keeping with the objectives and principles of Army installations as
stated above.
1. Army Mobilization and Operations Planning & Execution System (AMOPES).
AMOPES is the vehicle by which all components of the Army plan and execute actions
to provide and expand Army forces and resources to meet the requirements of unified
commands. AMOPES dictates the preparation of mobilization plans. This creates the
framework within which the Army has the ability to mobilize the Reserve Components.
The document gives mission focus and command responsibilities. It also details the
functional policy and guidance applicable to each level of mobilization. AMOPES also
prescribes responsibilities and outlines the mobilization process; describes the Army's
capabilities to meet the tasking requirements of mobilization within current program and
budget limitations; and the Army Staff crisis organization.
2. Base Development Plan.