reserve commanders. FORSCOM/CONUSA chaplains should develop
training workshops.
(5) For retired chaplains, see AR 601-10 for information on mobilization
of retired members of the Army.
(6) Supervisory chaplains and supervisory chaplain assistants must ensure
that chaplain assistants receive the maximum training possible.
3. Unit and UMT Training for Deployment.
a. Certain aspects of UMT training are supervised by the mobilization station
chaplain. In most cases, the mobilization station chaplain is ready to conduct
refresher training for RC UMTs. Training at the PPP/PSP prior to deployment is
according to War fighting Commander in Chief (CINC) requirements in Theater.
The Installation Commander and the CONUSA Training Support Battalion (TSB)
will validate UMTs before deployment into the theater.
b. The installation chaplain's coordination with RC UMTs should provide
information about the deployment readiness of the UMTs. The installation
chaplain should be aware of the following:
(1) Units with a chaplain who has not completed the CHOBC. Chaplains
who have not completed the CHOBC are not deployable. Upon full
mobilization, these chaplains will report directly to USACHCS to attend
the CHOBC.
(2) Units without a chaplain or chaplain assistant.
(3) Units with a chaplain assistant who is not school qualified through the
Chaplain Assistant Advanced Individual Training (AIT) Course or through
the Chaplain Assistant Reserve Component Reclassification Course.
Soldiers who are not school trained, as chaplain assistants will not be
deployed as chaplain assistants.
c. This information will provide the installation with data needed to cross level
and to construct training programs. USACHCS will provide guidelines to
determine the following:
(1) Who needs to be sent to USACHCS to complete training?
(2) Who can be certified as qualified for deployment?
(3) Who can complete the training at the mobilization station?
d. USACHCS will also provide prepackaged materials for mobilization station
training programs.
4. Mobilization.