Demonstrate required knowledge and skills on how to provide
mobilization reports, logistical support, and handling of fund and
mobilization exercises.
Given the subcourse material for this lesson and a training scenario.
The student will respond with 70% accuracy to the multiple choice
subcourse examination requiring recall and application of
The material contained in this lesson was derived from the following
AR 165-1
UMT Information Handbook on Mobilization
During mobilization, the UMT supports the specific religious, spiritual, and ethical needs
of soldiers in keeping with the objectives and principles of Army installations. Therefore,
it is essential that you familiarize yourself with the mobilization requirements of
reporting, logistics, funding, and mobilization planners training/exercises. Be advised
that reporting procedures and requirements may vary, according to the mission.
1. Reporting.
The following information must be reported by the mobilization chaplains to OCCH,
through their CONUSA and FORSCOM on the 30th, 60th, 90th, 120th, 150th, and 180th
day of mobilization:
- Name.
- Grade.
- Social Security Number.
- Denomination.
- Assignment of all chaplains mobilized to and/or deployed from the installation.
2. Logistics.
a. Chaplain planners will ensure that adequate material is available for deployed
chaplains and for those remaining in CONUS.
b. Resupply items are available through the Army Supply System and Defense
Logistics Agency. Materiel includes:
(1) Chapel facilities.
(2) Sleeping accommodations.
(3) Chaplain combat kits.