TC 1-05
Appendix B
Soldiering Is a Sacred Trust
The Army recognizes the necessity of religious support for people in
combat operations, those who live through combat and those who die
in combat. The Army's mission is to win the nation's wars; this
victory is achieved with a full array of weaponry, systems, and
personnel. The Army is more than an institution of systems,
machines, weapons, and technology; it is a grand institution with a
proud heritage. America gives the Army her very best; America
entrusts the Army with her prized sons and daughters. Religious
support to the men and women in uniform is a sacred trust; UMTs
operate within the context of this trust.
Leadership in combat requires every soldier to accept a set of values
that contributes to a core of motivation and will. If the soldier fails to
accept and live the Army values, soldiers may die unnecessarily.
UMTs exercise military leadership as religious leaders of character
and competence. They act to achieve excellence by providing
religious support for people who must fight and win the nation's wars
and serve the common defense of the United States.
FM 22-100 defines leadership in terms of BE, KNOW, DO:
"Leadership is influencing people--by providing purpose,
direction, and motivation--while operating to accomplish
the mission and improving the organization."
FM 22-100
10 May 2005