TC 1-05
The Army teaches soldiers that being a good subordinate is part of
being a good leader. Everyone is part of a team; all members have
responsibilities to that team. Every soldier and every officer is a
leader, responsible for supervising people or accomplishing a mission
that involves other people. Every soldier must, at one time or another,
act as a leader.
Leaders teach and exemplify Army values. Inculcating Army values
does not end with basic training. People of character seek to develop
and sustain a climate in which subordinates and organizations reach
their full potential. An ethical life comes from training and self-
The chaplaincy remains convinced that the Army must never lose its
perspective on the human dimension of service in combat and the
necessity of spiritual support for soldiers. UMTs must develop
spiritual fitness programs for the soldier and for themselves. The
UMT practices spiritual fitness to provide religious support.
"Spiritual fitness in the Army means the ability of the
individual to believe in the importance, necessity, and just
nature of the mission; to have faith in the reliability of
leaders, in the dependability of fellow soldiers, and in the
training and equipment furnished for the operation; and to
be prepared to encounter and cope with extreme danger,
devastation, and even death with confidence, dedication,
and courage. Spiritual fitness transcends moral fitness
because it prepares the individual to deal with ultimate
questions such as the meaning and value of life and not
merely questions of proper behavior." (Parameters)
10 May 2005