TC 1-05
and spiritual courage are equally important. There is an aspect
of courage which comes from a deep spiritual faith which, when
prevalent in an Army unit, can result in uncommon toughness
and tenacity in combat.'
FM 1, The Army
"Spiritual fitness, however, is not a fixed quantity. It must
be discussed and reinforced by stressing duty to country,
selfless service, and loyalty to high ideals. Many soldiers
find support for such values in their religious affiliation.
Religious support, provided by chaplains and chaplain
assistants, and approved by the commander's religious
support plan, not only facilitates the soldier's constitutional
right to the free exercise of religion, but also reinforces
such values as respect for others, loyalty, and selfless
"Religious support and confidential counseling, available
to soldiers who voluntarily seek such services, is an
important element of spiritual fitness for many in the Army.
In Operation Desert Storm, for example, more than 15,000
soldiers of the XVIII Airborne Corps attended worship on
one Sunday before the ground war began.
"For soldiers who do not choose to attend religious
services or avail themselves of the support of chaplains,
there are counselors, medical personnel, and other
professionals who can provide some spiritual fitness
support. Commanders must of course be careful that in
providing the resources to those who wish to worship freely
10 May 2005