TC 1-05
Combat Stress Control
Appendix C
Combat Stress Control
Section I Combat Stress Control and the UMT
Commanders must ensure that all soldiers within their command are
ready to face impending dangers and stresses associated with
continuous operations and combat. A serious combat stressor is battle
fatigue. The UMT is trained to assist the commander in addressing
this effect of combat.
Providing comprehensive religious support to soldiers in combat
includes assisting in the prevention, treatment, and assessment of
soldiers suffering from battle fatigue and stress-related illnesses.
UMTs are a key portal for soldiers to access mental health providers
and to help mental health providers access soldiers. UMTs and
mental health providers perform their missions better when they work
Assigned directly to the battalion, the UMT knows and understands
the soldiers in the unit. This experience gives them a unique ability to
identify potential stresses that affect the unit and individual soldiers.
FM 22-51 explains combat stress behaviors (see the following list).
The UMT can help identify these behaviors and assess their impact
on the soldier and the unit.
10 May 2005