TC 1-05
Combat Stress Control
Signs of battle fatigue
Light battle fatigue signs
Heavy battle fatigue signs
Tension, aches, and pains
Restlessness or moving
Trembles, fidgets, or fumbles
Flinching or ducking at sounds
Jumpiness and startles at sudden
Shaking arms or body; cowers
sounds or movement
Cold sweats, dry mouth, pale
Part of body will not function for
skin, or eyes hard to focus
no apparent reason
Pounding heart, feeling dizzy or
Freezing under fire
Feeling out of breath or breathing
Prolonged or total immobility
too much until fingers or toes
tingle; cramping or going numb
Stomach upset or vomiting
Diarrhea or frequent urination
Vacant stares
Emptying bowels or bladder at
Staggers or sways while standing
instance of danger
Fatigue; feeling tired or drained
Immobility or hard to get going
Mental and emotional
Anxiety or expecting the worst
Rapid speech or constantly
Irritability, swearing, or
Arguing; fighting; recklessness
10 May 2005