TC 1-05
Combat Stress Control
Religious Support After Operations
Reaction to combat stress can pose an immediate problem to unit
morale. UMT ministry of presence helps reduce the effects of combat
stress (see list of combat stress behaviors). UMTs help--
Focus attention on caring for the wounded and honoring the
Provide comfort, assurance, and encouragement to soldiers.
Help soldiers adjust to the current situation and face the future
(replenishing measures).
Instill hope, encourage a positive outlook, and provide spiritual
guidance and pastoral counseling.
Reassure soldiers that the dead will be honored and treated with
Table C-1. Combat stress prevention
Preventive measures
UMT tips
Spend time with soldiers, train with them, and deploy
with the unit.
Provide opportunities for individual/group prayer and
Provide personal religious items and materials.
Provide pastoral care and spiritual guidance to soldiers.
10 May 2005