TC 1-05
Combat Stress Control
Setting up a CED
The team normally consists of a debriefing leader and an
assistant, with one additional assistant for every 10 people in a
group of more than 20.
Most effective when conducted 8 to 72 hours after the event--
after enough rest and recovery for all to be alert and involved. A
CED is usually conducted during a lull in action or after
completing an operation.
Expected duration--2 to 3 hours.
Can be shortened to a defusing debriefing, provided a full CED
will be conducted at a later time (when the tactical situation
An emotionally neutral place, relatively safe from enemy action,
distraction, and observation.
A reserve position or assembly area.
Location with enough light to see all participants.
A place sheltered from bad weather.
How: (See elements of a CED.)
10 May 2005