TC 1-05
Combat Stress Control
Elements of the CED
Name of deceased______________________
Position/duty _________________________
Introduce the team. Tell why you are here.
Key points:
Impact of a critical event.
Describe difficulty of processing the incident by oneself.
Emphasize historical effectiveness of the CED and that strength
can be gained from participation.
If debriefing does not benefit some, it will benefit others.
CED is preventive health care.
No rank during session. Speak only for yourself.
No note taking, tape recorders, or videos.
Is there anyone who does not belong there (such as the media,
victim's family, anyone not directly involved, or supervisor not
directly on scene)?
Turn off pagers, cell phones, and radios.
Tell soldiers they are temporarily relieved of duties and
responsibilities for this time.
They don't have to speak, but they may ask questions.
No breaks--no one leaves early; start as a group, finish as a
10 May 2005