TC 1-05
Religious Area/Impact Assessment
Table D-1. Religious assessment guide
Specific questions
What holy days and/or festivals may
Holy day rituals
impact military operations?
and customs
What are important religious "do's and
What are dietary restrictions?
What are the group's distinctive symbols?
of worship?
What are appropriate protocols for issues
related to birth, marriage, and death?
What are the places of worship,
Sites and
pilgrimage, and memorial sites? Why?
Where are the cemeteries and what is
the character of their make-up?
What are distinctive identifying
characteristics (architecture and
What are they willing to die for?
Primary values
What subjects incite an emotional
What behaviors does the group reward?
What are punishable?
What value is placed on women, children,
ancestors, certain animals, or objects?
10 May 2005