TC 1-05
Combat Stress Control
Table C-1. Combat stress prevention
Provide denominational religious coverage in the unit
(or for other units).
Participate in rebuilding physical, emotional, and
spiritual resources of the unit.
Section IV Critical Event Debriefing
The critical event debriefing (CED) helps soldiers:
Cope with, and process, traumatic events.
Restores unit cohesion and effectiveness.
Prevents long-term distress and "burnout."
Reduces short-term emotional and physical distress.
Contributes to individual psychological health and a sense of
well being.
CED teams are made up of mental health personnel, combat stress
control officers, chaplains, physicians, nurses, medics, or other
medical officers or NCOs with CED training.
Participants in a CED are normal people who have survived an
abnormal situation. The CED is neither therapy nor counseling; it is a
proven means to help soldiers process a traumatic event. Effective
use of the CED reduces stress and battle fatigue within the unit.
10 May 2005