TC 1-05
Combat Stress Control
training within the unit, in concert with mental health providers. This
training focuses on teaching leaders and soldiers to recognize and
treat the early signs of battle fatigue. Early intervention can prevent
light battle fatigue from developing into heavy battle fatigue. UMTs
also provide ministry to soldiers suffering from battle fatigue; this
can help those who have suffered battle fatigue recover and process
their experiences. UMT support in this area helps minimize effects of
combat stress and contributes to the overall combat effectiveness of
the unit.
Religious Support Before Alert Notification
Ongoing pre-deployment preparations:
Establish relationships with unit personnel and families.
Provide preventive measures to minimize the effects of combat
stress and battle fatigue (see list of combat stress behaviors).
Train team leaders and soldiers in stress management.
Religious Support During Operations
Commanders and leaders expect the UMT to assist with battle stress
during operations (immediate measures). UMTs help--
Soldiers focus on their spiritual values by offering a vision of
life beyond the destructive effects of war.
Soldiers recognize the positive contribution they are making
and resolve doubts regarding combat morality.
Remind soldiers that God is accessible to them in combat.
Provide a ministry of presence (available to soldiers in the area
of operations [see list of combat stress behaviors]).
10 May 2005