TC 1-05
Chaplain Field Fund
Appendix L
Chaplain Field Fund
Bottom Line...
RS field funds exist to provide deployed service members the
opportunities to worship through giving tithes and offerings!
Section I Introduction
The giving of tithes and offerings is an essential element of religion
(EER) for many believers. Therefore, unit commanders with an
assigned UMT may establish a chaplain field funds (CFF) in
accordance with AR 165-1, paragraph 14-18, in maturing/mature
theaters of operation to enable soldiers to worship through the giving
of tithes and offerings when deployed. Such CFFs provide accounting
procedures to receive and disburse funds in support of unit religious
These funds do not replace appropriated funds, nor are they intended
to bypass the unit's responsibility to fund RS. A sponsoring chapel
tithes and offering fund (CTOF) establishes a CFF as a special
project sub-account operated as a decentralized petty cash fund. The
sponsoring CTOF closes the petty cash fund when the RS team
Note: Petty cash is still a legitimate term in accordance with AR
165-1, paragraph 14-13.
10 May 2005