TC 1-05
Chaplain Field Fund
3. Sponsoring CTOF manager creates a special project sub-
account in local CTOF.
4. Assigned unit chaplain locks and secures cash/offerings
(locking box/bag, and unit safe).
Section III CFF Accountability
Sponsoring CTOF
Upon establishment, a CFF becomes a special project sub-account of
the sponsoring CTOF. Periodic reports, inspection results and pre-
redeployment audit are sent to the sponsoring CTOF. CFFs that
exceed the 00* acceptable risk threshold for petty cash should
send excess to sponsoring CTOF in accordance with AR 165-1,
paragraph 14-13 (see appendix M, section IV, item 2).
Note: *Exceeding amount established requires a written
acknowledgement by the unit commander to accept responsibility,
limiting liability for the chaplain/CFF manager.
When the CFF is established, the unit chaplain becomes the funds
manager and the chaplain assistant becomes the funds clerk. The
addition of these duties should be mentioned in the chaplain's
updated officer evaluation report (OER) on DA Form 67-9-1, Officer
Evaluation Report Support Form, 1 October 1997 and in the chaplain
assistant's evaluation report (NCOER) on DA Form 2166-8, October
10 May 2005