TC 1-05
Chaplain Field Fund
at the finance and accounting office (F&AO). A copy of the
offering control sheet/ledger should be forwarded to the
sponsoring CTOF monthly.
Stored value cards (SVC) and excess funds. Prior to
collecting CFF, the UMT must obtain written verification
that the local finance support team (FST) or F&AO can
support the use of a SVC and treasury check. CFFs assume
the level of risk that comes with a petty cash fund. The
limit for petty cash is 0 or less, per AR 165-1, and
single purchases should not exceed 0. All non-
designated offering contributions are consolidated with a
FST or at the F&AO and deposited on a SVC. When the
value of the card exceeds its petty cash limit of 00, the
CFF manager directs the FST/F&AO to write a treasury
check made payable to the sponsoring CTOF for the
amount exceeding the limit. The check and supporting
documentations are sent to the sponsoring CTOF.
command approval of requests for expenditures.
Committee journal records are forwarded for command
approval. Typically, such expenses include food for
fellowship activities; food items in support of religious
programs, such as coffeehouses; supplies to enhance RS
programs, such as videos and literature; and designated
offerings for religious and charitable activities. All
journal. Normally, two verifying signatures are required for
a disbursement. The funds manager documents exceptions
in a memo for record to the CFF advisory committee
(subject to review at the CFF advisory committee meeting).
10 May 2005