TC 1-05
Equipment and Vehicles
B bag (duffel bag #1)
BDUs (2 sets)
Underwear (5 pairs)
Boots (1 pair)
Gloves (1 pair)
Field jacket (1)
Towels or washcloths (2)
PT uniform - 1 set (T-shirt, shorts,
Civilian clothing, if needed
sweatshirt, sweatpants, and knit
Flak vest -1 (if not worn)
Sleeping shirt (1)
Shoes - 1 pair (athletic)
Sleeping shorts (1)
Socks - 5 pairs (white)
Shower shoes (1 pair)
Laundry bag
Note: The B duffel bag is your "working bag" for the equipment
you use on a daily basis.
Winter packing list
Face protection (1)
Winter boots (1 pair)
Winter glove - 1 pair (with inserts)
Winter coat(s) (1 or 2)
Winter blanket (1)
Winter trousers (1)
Scarf (1)
Winter shirt (1)
Deep winter suit (BEAR) - 1 set (if
Winter socks (5 pairs)
issued by the unit])
Winter long underwear (2 pairs)
Mittens - 1 pair (with inserts)
Wool cap (1)
Note: Winter list items can be packed either in the A or B bag,
based on type of deployment and weather conditions.
10 May 2005