TC 1-05
Equipment and Vehicles
Continue to hold the trigger to the rear while pulling the
charging handle to the rear and releasing the charging
Release the trigger with a slow, smooth motion until the
trigger is fully forward (the hammer should not fall).
Pull the trigger (the hammer should fall).
Step 3. Check an M16A2 with the selector lever in the "burst"
Place the selector lever in the "burst" position.
Pull the charging handle to the rear and release it.
Pull the trigger holding it to the rear (the hammer should
Continue to hold the trigger to the rear while pulling the
charging handle to the rear and releasing the charging
Repeat third step twice.
Release the trigger.
Pull the trigger (the hammer should fall).
Step 4. Stop the function check any time the rifle does not function
Step 5. Turn in the malfunctioning rifle to the unit armor NCO.
M-16 Maintenance Steps
A clean and maintained rifle will fire when needed, if properly
lubricated and loaded with clean ammunition. In order to keep the
rifle and ammunition in good condition, daily care and cleaning is
essential. During adverse weather or operational conditions, certain
key parts of the rifle and ammunition may need care and cleaning
several times a day.
10 May 2005